“The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Posty Goodness!

Hopefully all of the posting today make's up for the lack thereof the last couple of weeks. Sorry there hasn't been much going on here but work, and just life in general has been so hectic the last few weeks I didn't get much time for blogging. I hope things will slow down a little for the summer so that I can get to doing some drinking and posting again. As always comments are more than welcome and if you've got any suggestions, strange links, funny photo's, drunken poems, etc. that you'd like to see on here go ahead and send'em my way!

Thanks for stopping by...McBoozo the Clown

P.S. Here's a few more sketches from the 'ol sketchbook that I dug up and scanned in.

This was my first attempt at using a Brush Pen and Prismacolor grey tone markers. It was an early concept sketch for the McBoozo character.

A random scene from the sketchbook featuring McBoozo & Lobster Boy plus some circus Crocigators!!!

Another McBoozo character sketch...The World's Strongest Man!

Sketched during a meeting at work.

Just a random character sketch from the sketchbook.

Developed in conjunction with a number of other characters for a new series...maybe someday it'll see the light of day. He's called Mobey Dick.

I think this was supposed to be an easily excited French or Cajun chef???

Just another random character sketch.


Blogger Daldianus said...

Hey, I like your sketches! :)

7:08 AM


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